The Zeta's Kitchen
Everyone can cook good food
Monday, March 25, 2019
Salted Egg Yolk Spagetti
Salted egg yolk memang tengah inn sekarang ni. Macam2 menu salted egg yolk... Hingga la ke nuget cicah dengan salted egg yolk sauce. Tapi memang sedap kan kuning telur masin ni dibuat masakan. 😊
Hari ni tak tau nak masak dinner apa, tgk dalam peti sejuk ada sikit serbuk telur masin knorr ni, so try la buat sos pasta. Meh kita try...😅
Bahan2 : (untuk 2 org makan)
1/2 paket spagetti San Remo (Rebus dengan sedikit minyak dan garam hingga lembut - al-dante), angkat dan toskan airnya.
Bahan Sos :
5 ulas bawang putih - cincang halus
3-4 tangkai cili padi - potong kasar
1 sudu kecil chili flakes
5 sudu makan serbuk telur masin knorr
1 sudu kecil cukup rasa maggi
1 tangkai daun kari
Isi ayam / udang
1 cawan cooking cream / susu sejat
Sedikit olive oil - untuk menumis
Garam secukup rasa
Cara memasak :
1. Panaskan minyak dalam pan / kuali, tumis bawang putih bersama cili padi dan daun kari.
2. Masukkan ayam / udang, kacau hingga masak.
3. Masukkan serbuk telur masin knorr, chili flakes - kacau.
4. Masukkan cooking cream, cukup rasa maggi, dan garam secukupnya, kacau hingga sikit pekat.
5. Masukkan spagetti yang telah direbus, gaul sebati dan tutup api.
6. Sedia dihidang, hiaskan dengan taburan chili flakes...
Selamat mencuba 😄.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Cream Chicken (No cream) Star Pasta
My son Irshad now dah 14 bulan. Gigi depan dah penuh 8 batang. And saya notice sekarang irshad tak suka dah baby food yg lembik2...nak yg ada tekstur dan boleh kunyah2...hahahha...dah big boy dah anak mommy ni.
Kebetulan mommy pernah nampak vegetable pasta ni masa beli barang baby zasss mommy terus beli 3 pack. Sebab pasta ni tak sama dengan pasta yg kat kedai2 tu... Pasta ni khas untuk baby, takde garam, gula, telur, perasa dan takde preservative. Dalam 1 pack tu ada 10 warna pasta - dari 10 jenis vege. And kandungan vege tinggi iaitu 40%. Tinggi vitamin n nutrisi.
Ni la pastanya... Brand Eatalian Expresds, ada macam2 shape, ada shell, macaroni, spiral. Mommies pilih je mana yg berkenan dan sesuai dengan tahap pemakanan sicomel. 😀.
Ok saya share resepi simple tapi sedap.
Bahan-bahan :
2-3 inci isi ayam bahagian dada - potong kiub
1 ulas bawang putih - ketuk
2 ulas bawang merah - hiris
1 kuntum bunga lawang
1 biji buah pelaga
1 sudu kecil minyak zaitun
2 -3 cawan air
3/4 cawan pasta eatalian express ( ikut suka shape apa, saya guna star)
Cara masak :
1. Tumis bawang putih, bawang merah, bunga lawang dan buah pelaga dalam periuk bersama dengan olive oil. Bila dah naik bau dan wangi, masukkan air, biarkan mendidih.
2. Masukkan daging ayam, biarkan mendidih hingga daging ayam cukup masak.
3. Tutup api, keluarkan bunga lawang dan buah pelaga (buang la ye). Blend soup tadi hingga menjadi cream putih.
4. Masukkan balik dalam periuk, masukkan pasta dan masak dengan api sederhana hingga pasta lembut. Kacau sesekali ye. Tambah air jika perlu.
Nota : Tahap kelembutan pasta bergantung kepada tahap pemakanan si comel. Kalau nak lebih lembut, masak la lebih lama ye mommies... Sukatan ni boleh untuk 2 kali makan.
Selamat mencuba...😊. Irshad mmg laju je makan kalau dapat pasta 🤤
Vietnamese Roll
Dah lama nak buat vietnamese roll ni, tapi lately susah nak dapat rice paper saiz besar. Kat tesco giant semua yang saiz kecil je. At last dapat kat lazada...hahahha rice paper pun boleh beli online. 😄 So Uolls boleh la beli kat lazada...
So semua bahan dah ada. Tapi bila ada sikecik irshad ni, kena tunggu masa agak free baru boleh buat...kan.
Ni resepi saya...ada masa nanti saya buat video pulak k 😊.
Bahan Roll
Rice paper
Bihun (atau su'un) - dicelur
Daun salad - carik besar2
Cucumber - potong julien
Carrot - potong julien
Daun pudina
Daun ketumbar
Daun thai basil
Crabstick - celur
Udang - celur dan belah 2 (senang untuk gulung nanti dan rice paper tak pecah)
Celup rice paper dalam air masak (room temperature), susun bahan2 dan balut.
Balut setiap roll dengan plastik supaya tidak melekat to each other bila kita susun nanti.
Bahan sos
sos simple versi I
1/4 cup Fish sauce
1/4 cup cili sauce
1/2 cup air panas
2 sudu makan brown sugar
1/4 cup lime juice
3 ulas bwg putih - cincang halus
1@2 cili padi merah - cincang halus
1 sudu teh garam
Daun ketumbar - cincang halus
Gaul sebati semua bahan...siap 😀
Tunggu apa lagi....jemput makan 🤤.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Kerabu Su'un
Bila tgh berbadan dua ni, tekak asyik meloya je. Asyik nak menu yang masam2 je... since hubby pun tak dinner kat umah, so just make something simple yg kena ngan tekak mak buyung ni je la 😀.
Cepat dan senang.
1 cekak su'un (basuh dan rendam dalam air biasa dulu)
10 ekor Udang saiz sederhana ( kupas kulit)
1 ekor sotong saiz sederhana (potong bulat) - saya tak letak pun sebab takde 😁
1 biji tomato (potong kasar)
2 kacang panjang (potong 1 inci)
1 pokok daun ketumbar (potong kasar)
3 ulas bawang putih (tumbuk kasar)
4-5 tangkai cili padi (tumbuk kasar) - ikut suke, nak pedas lagi tambah lagi
2-3 biji limau nipis (ambil jus)
1 labu bwg besar saiz kecik (potong kasar)
1 sudu makan gula
3 sudu makan sos ikan
1. Satukan bahan2 sos dalam mangkuk. kacau sebati. Rasa sos agak masam dan sedikit masin ketika ini. jika tak cukup masin/masam, boleh tambahkan sos ikan/jus limau nipis kemudian. - ketepikan.
2. Tumbuk manja tomato dan kacang supaya senang untuk sos meresap ke dalam hirisan tomato dan kacang. - ketepikan
3. Panaskan air dalam kuali/periuk. Bila air mendidih, masukkan su'un, udang dan sotong. Masak hingga su'un lembut (lebih kurang 2 minit) - jangan teralu lama nanti su'un lembik, tak sedap. Angkat su'un, udang dan sotong, toskan airnya.
4. satukan kesemua bahan ke dalam mangkuk sos, gaul sebati - tambahkan sos ikan/limau nipis jika perlu.
Sedia di makan... simple dan sedap.
1. jangan celur sotong terlalu lama nanti liat.
2. boleh juga jika nak tambahkan isi ayam ke dalam kerabu, rebus dulu isi ayam bahagian dada, ketuk dan carik2kan.
3. kena gaul ketika su'un masih panas, bila sejuk sos tak akan meresap ke dalam su'un - jadi tak sedap.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Healthy Vege Pizza
TQ to group KURUS & SIHAT, idea dari Dr.Ezue, telah beri inspirasi untuk saya mencari idea baru resepi sihat. So hari ni 1st day challenge...semoga kami semua istiqomah...:)
Mlm ni just buat quick meal.... 30 min dah ready. Ni portion untuk 2 orang ye...
2 keping wholegrain massimo tortila wrap (bran lain pun boleh)
1/2 biji lada benggala hijau - dipotong panjang2
1/2 biji bawang besar - dihiris kasar
1 biji tomato - dihiris bulat
5 biji cendawan butang - dihiris
2 sudu besar tomato paste (saya buat sendiri)
1 genggam penuh mozarella cheese (boleh lebih jika suka)
1 sudu kecil butter
sedikit blackpepper
Cara2 :
1. Panaskan Oven pada suhu 180 darjah celcius, api atas bawah.
2. Panaskan 1 keping tortila wrap dalam non-stik pan dengan api kecil sehingga agak garing. Angkat dan ketepikan. (penting supaya pizza tak lembik).
3. Dengan menggunakan pan yg sama, cairkan butter. Masukkan button mushroom dan blackpepper. kacau sehingga cendawan sedikit layu...lebih kurang 1 minit dgn api perlahan. Ketepikan.
4. Susun tortila...lapisan bawah, tortila yg tak dipanaskan. Taburkan sedikit mozarella cheese dan lapiskan dengan tortila yg dipanaskan tadi. Sapu rata tomato paste. Lapiskan lagi dengan sedikit mozarella cheese.
5. Atur tomato hiris, lada benggala, cendawan butang dan bawang besar. Taburkan sedikit black pepper dan tabur kesemua baki mozarella.
6. Bakar dalam oven yg telah dipanaskan selama 7-10 minit.
Sedia dimakan...:)... biarkan sejuk sikit baru makan... takut nanti melecur mulut...
nota :
1. untuk vegetable boleh guna terung panjang, spinach, zucchini, red capsicum, yellow capsicum dll
2. resepi home made tomato paste saya akan kongsi dalam entry akan datang ye.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Chocolate Pudding With Orange Sauce
Assalamualaikum & SELAMAT HARI MALAYSIA kawan2 semua. Dah lama sangat dah rasanya saya tak post resepi baru. Bukan tak masak, cuma tak sempat nak post je.... hehehehe maklum la sibuk sikit setahun dua ni.
Now dah jadi isteri orang, selalu la masak untuk encik suami. Hari kerja pun, at least dinner memang masak.
Ok la, dah lama tak buat desert, Encik suami tak berapa gemar manis2 ni. Yang ni untuk hilangkan kempunan saya.
Bahan2 :
11g serbuk agar2 (satu paket kecil)
700 ml air
1/2 cawan susu pekat manis
3 sudu besar gula
1/2 cawan chocolate powder (boleh juga guna serbuk koko)
Cara2 :
1. Campurkan kesemua bahan kedalam peruk, kacau sehingga semua chocolate powder larut.
2. Panaskan dengan menggunakan api sederhana, kacau sehingga serbuk agar2 larut ( lebih kurang 10-15 minit)
3. Tapis dan tuangkan dalam acuan. Saya tuangkan dalam loyang 4 segi je. :)
4. Sejukkan dan simpan dalam peti sejuk sebelum dihidangkan.
Bahan2 untuk sos oren :
1 biji oren saiz besar - diambil jusnya (kalau oren kecik guna 2 biji)
1/2 lemon - diambil jusnya
1/2 cawan air
2 sudu makan gula
1 sudu teh tepung kastard
cara2 :
1. Campurkan kesemua bahan ke dalam periuk.
2. Panaskan dengan api sederhana, kacau sehingga sos oren sedikit pekat, dan kesemua gula larut.
3. sejukkan didalam peti sejuk sebelum dihidangkan.
Hiasan hidangan :
Isi oren dipotong wedges.
sedap dimakan sejuk. sos oren boleh ditukar kepada sos berry (strawberry / rapsberry)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Spiral Pasta Ala Oglio
Assalamualaikum teman2. Terlalu lama saya tak update blog ni since saya start my business insurance pada tahun 2012. As i remember, my last post was on 2012... hehehehe :). Tak la bermakna saya tak masak, cuma tak dan nak menulis and update kat sini. Sekarang alhamdulillah, business dah steady, saya pun dah berumahtangga, so saya kembali aktif di dapur, Maklumlah En.Husband jenis yang suka makan kat rumah.
Make it short, insyaallah saya akan kongsikan resepi2 yang cepat untuk disediakan. Dan kebanyakannya adalah menu untuk orang diet (sebab kami tgh nak turunkan berat badan ni...:) )
Untuk masak pasta ni, mmg simple... follow je kat bawah ni :
2 cup penuh spiral pasta (boleh juga guna pasta lain , spagetti ke, bowtie ke)
1 ketul dada ayam (potong dadu kecil... lebih kurang saiz ibu jari)
10 ekor udang saiz sederhana
1/2 capsicum merah (potong dadu)
1/2 capsicum kuning (potong dadu)
1/2 capsicum hijau (potong dadu)
10 - 15 sweet pea
1 batang carrot (Julein...klu nak potong dadu pun boleh)
10 batang kacang buncis (potong 2 cm panjang)
2 biji cili merah
10 tangkai cili kering
5 ulas bawang putih (dicincang)
1 sudu besar chicken stock (saya guna knorr)
Garam secukup rasa
1/2 cawan minyak masak (atau olive oil)
Cara2 memasak :
1. Rebus pasta dengan sedikit minyak dan sedikit garam sehingga lembut (al dante). Tos dan ketepikan.
2. Kisar kasar cili merah dan cili kering. (boleh juga tumbuk kasar). cili kering tak perlu direndam atau direbus terlebih dahulu. ketepikan
3. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali, goreng udang hingga masak dan ketepikan. Kemudian goreng pula isi ayam hingga masak, ketepikan.
4. Dengan menggunakan minyak yang sama, Masukkan cili yang dikisar tadi bersama bawang putih. Masak dengan api perlahan (kerana kita nak rasakan minyak dengan cili n bawang putih). Kacau sesekali, (jangan tumis sampai garing).
5. Masukkan chicken stock, kacau rata. Masukkan udang, ayam, dan kesemua sayur2. Kacau rata sehingga sayur sedikit layu (tapi masih rangup).
6. Masukkan pasta, kacau rata. tambahkan garam jika tak cukup rasa.
7. Angkat dan hidangkan.... yummy!!!!
nota : boleh kurangkan cili jika tak suka pedas. Juga boleh guna sotong jika suka.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Hot Chili Bitter-gourd With Beef
Bitter gourd (bitter melon) atau dalam bahasa melayu dikenali sebagai peria. Rasanya agak pahit. Peria mengandungi khasiat yang sangat tinggi seperti kandungan serat yang tinggi akan membantu melawas penghadaman.
Banana Choc Chips Muffin
I make a simple and easy muffin last night, memandangkan ada 2 biji pisang yang sudah sangat ranum, daripada busuk, baik buat something. ingat nak buat cekodok je, tapi sape nak makan... buat muffin the boleh simpan.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Cold Salad - Asparagus, cherry tomato, orange and smoke salmon
This salad is good for refreshing starter. The combination of flavor quiet unique. Easy to make. You can make this salad a head of time and keep chill in fridge until needed.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Potato Gratin (Side for any meats main)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Kerabu Cendawan Kukur dengan Hollandaise Sos
"Cendawan kukur" remind me to Chanterelle mushrooms, especially the earthy smell, the meaty taste n chewy yet bite-able texture... its so close. I had the Chanterelle mushroom b4, its taste so good if u know how to blend the earthy smell, the flavor and texture with the 5 scene of our taste bud.
Now we ( Felix and me ) want to bring this unique mushroom with a new touch, combination the asian and western taste, using our local ingredients to make the hollandaise dressing, with a little touch of our local spice and herbs, bring out all the flavor, blend it in your mouth.... awesome!!
We find out the meaty taste, the texture, the earthy smell goes very well with creamy taste with a little touch of acidity and spicy hollandaise sauce that we use as a dressing, the fresh shallot, hot chilli, tangy lime, and beautiful smell and creamy sweet of scented coconut make it all perfect in mouth. At the same time a bit contrast of texture with julienne carrot and fresh tamarind fruit (buah asam keping). It's speechless.
Ikan Pari Bakar
Ikan pari selain dari masak asam pedas, bakar dengan sambal cili memang sedap. Tambah puladicicah dengan air asam, rasanya.... kecur air liur bila ingatkan ikan pari bakar yang saya makan ketika berbuka puasa tadi. Wangi sambal yang digunakan untuk 'seasoning' semerbak satu rumah, membuatkan semua tidak sabar untuk merasa keenakan isinya yang lembut dan 'moist'.
Ikan pari bakar memang boleh didapati di mana2 seafood restoran atau stall, tetapi untuk mendapatkan ikan bakar dengan sambal dan air asam yang sedap agak sukar, kadang2 tak cukup rasa..., kadang2 ikan dah tak fresh, dan air asam kurang menyelerakan. Its ok, take a bit effort, cari ikan pari yang segar, dan masak sendiri kat rumah.... hasilnya makan nasi sampai dua pinggan... hehehehe.
Bahan - bahan:
- 1 ekor ikan pari (lebih kurang 800g - 1 kg berat) - bersihkan
- 3 - 4 keping daun pisang (digunakan untuk alut ikan)
Bahan sambal : (untuk seasoning)
- 6 - 8 ulas bawang merah
- 2 sudu makan udang kering - digoreng tanpa minyak sehingga sedikit garing
- 2 ulas bawang putih
- 2 cm halia
- 12 tangkai cili kering ( kurangkan jika tidak suka pedas ) - celur
- 1 sudu teh asam jawa
- 1 sudu makan gula
- garam secukup rasa
Cara-cara :
- Masukkan kesemua bahan sambal kedalam blender dan kisar halus.
- Panaskan sedikit minyak di dalam kuali, tumis bahan kisar hingga naik bau dan sedikit garing (warnanya merah gelap). Tambahkan 3 sudu makan air, kacau seketika (3 - 4 minit). Angkat dan sedia digunakan untuk perap ikan pari.
- Letakkan ikan pari di atas daun pisang. Ratakan sambal tadi keatas ikan pari. Balutkan dengan daun pisang dan biarkan seketika (lebih kurang 15 minit).
- Panaskan pemanggang, ataupun boleh juga menggunakan kuali 'non-stik', masukkan ikan yang dibalut dengan daun pisang dan panggan selama 10 minit.
- Balikkan ikan dan panggang lagi selama 10 minit.
- Angkat dan hidangkan dengan air asam.
- 1 labu bawang besar saiz sederhana - potong dadu
- 1 biji buah tomato - potong dadu
- 7 - 10 biji cili padi - dipotong (kurangkan jika tak suka pedas)
- 1 biji cili merah - dipotong
- 2 sudu makan asam jawa adabi
- 2 biji limau purut - diambil jusnya
- 2 cm belacan
- 2 sudu teh gula
- garam secukup rasa
- 1/3 cawan air
cara-cara :
- Campurkan kesemua bahan dan gaul hingga mesra. rasakan dengan garam secukupnya.
Air asam
Bahan-bahan :
- 1 labu bawang besar saiz sederhana - potong dadu
- 1 biji buah tomato - potong dadu
- 7 - 10 biji cili padi - dipotong (kurangkan jika tak suka pedas)
- 1 biji cili merah - dipotong
- 2 sudu makan asam jawa adabi
- 2 biji limau purut - diambil jusnya
- 2 cm belacan
- 2 sudu teh gula
- garam secukup rasa
- 1/3 cawan air
cara-cara :
- Campurkan kesemua bahan dan gaul hingga mesra. rasakan dengan garam secukupnya.
Tepung Pelita
Tepung pelita atau Kuih Tako, kuih melayu zaman berzaman lagi, dan masih diminati hingga hari ini. Bila tiba bulan Ramadhan, kita dapati kuih ni banyak dijual di bazar - bazar.
Kuih ini terdiri dua lapisan, dimana lapisan bawah yang berwarna hijau (dari daun pandan biasanya, tetapi ada juga yang menggunakan pewarna hijau) agak tebal dari lapisan atas dan rasanya sedikit manis. Lapisan berwarna putih, dan rasanya lemak. Kuih ini sangat sedap dimakan stelah disejukkan....
Sebenarnya ini kali kedua saya buat kuih tepung pelita dalam minggu ini. memandangkan 4 hari lepas kuih yang saya buat ni macam tak cukup je, n that day tak de daun pisang nak buat bekasnya, jadi saya hanya buat dalam acuan kecil agar. tapi rasanya masih seday... macam kemaruk tepung pelita pulak. So tadi decide to make tepung pelita again... ha.. baru puas hati makan.... nak buat kuih ni sangat senang... resepinya di bawah...
Bahan-bahan :
- Daun pisang - untuk buat bekas tako
Lapisan hijau :
- 1 cawan tepung beras
- 1 cawan gula
- 2 cawan jus pandan
- 3 cawan air
- sedikit kapur (dicampur dengan jus pandan)
- sedikit pewarna hijau jika suka
Lapisan putih :
- 4 cawan santan (di perah dari sebiji kelapa)
- 4 sudu makan tepung beras
- sedikit garam
Cara-cara :
- Potong daun pisang 4 segi dan bentukkan bekas. Taburkan sedikit gula kedalam setiap bekas.
- Campurkan kesemua bahan untuk lapisan hijau kedalam periuk, masak dengan api perlahan. kacau sehingga pekat dan berkilat.
- Tuangkan ke dalam bekas tako hingga 2/3 penuh. Biarkan seketika
- Sementara itu, campurkan kesemua bahan untuk lapisan putih kedalam periuk yang lain, masak dengan api sederhana, kacau hingga pekat.
- Tuangkan ke dalam bekas yang telah di isi dengan lapisan hijau tadi hingga penuh. Biarkan sejuk.
Nota : Lebih sedap jika disejukkan dalam peti sejuk sebelum dihidangkan.
Nest of Papaya Salad (Kerabu Betik)
Today I plan to have mango salad as a company for our ikan pari bakar and air asam, but I cannot find the good young mango. I try find the mango in few places, but still cannot get, and suddenly my eye catch small young papaya. :) i'm smiling, and and so many ideas come into my mind - to create a good dish with the papaya. i still stick to make salad... then when at home, i notice that i don't have peanuts but i have almond, so i use roast almond instead of peanut and add another unusual thing in our salad - quail egg - half boil quil egg!!!
You should try this, and its taste - describable!!!!
Ingredients :
- 1 young papaya (just a small size) - peeled n julienne (slice)
- 1 handful of fresh coriander
- 1/4 of tamarind fruit (buah asam keping) - finely slice (is ok if u don't have)
- 1/2 cup of roasted almond (crush coarsely)
- 3 tbsp of fried shallot
- 3 tbsp of fried anchovies
- 4-5 shallot - finely slice
- 1 cm of ginger - finely slice
- 1 stalk lemongrass - finely slice
- 5-8 chili padi - chopped ( use less if don't like hot)
- 2 lime - take juice
- 1 tsp grated gula melaka
- 3 - 4 tbsp fish sauce (nampla sauce) - add more as needed, this is substitute of salt
- 8 quail eggs - boil for 2 minutes
Method :
- Put shallot, ginger, lemongrass, chili padi, lime juice, gula melaka and fish sauce in a bowl. Mix well and put a side for a while.
- In a large bowl, put papaya, coriander and all the seasoning mixture. toss well. Add 2/3 of fried shallot , 2/3 roasted almond and 2/3 fried anchovies. Toss well.
- Garnish salad with the remaining almonds, fried shallot, fried anchovies and quail eggs.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Acar (Cucumber pickle)
Acar is a very simple pickle or salad made from fresh vegetables, - mostly cucumber, carrot and also round white cabbage. This acar give a zing and tangy taste to balance with creamy taste of other dish such as nasi tomato, nasi minyak, nasi dagang - usually we use gee, butter, margerin, milk, cream or santan to make. We always can fine this dish as a accompany for rice dish to replace vegetables or to add more "zingy tangy taste". The basic seasoning as below. You can use just only cucumber, or can add with carrot to get nice contrast colour or some slice cabbage to get crunchy n sweet texture. its depend on u what u like to put in your acar.
Ingredients :
- 1 cucumber - de-seeded and slice to 1 inch length
- 1 carrot - slice to 1 inch length
- 3 pcs of round white cabbage leaves - finely slice
Seasoning :
- 4 - 5 shallots - finely slice
- 1 garlic - finely slice
- 1 cm ginger - finely slice
- 2 fresh red chili - slice
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 5 - 6 tbsp vinegar dilute with 5-6 tbsp water
- salt to taste
*Mix all seasoning ingredients in a bowl and let it rest for about 10 minutes before toss with
vegetables - to allow all the flavor to combine.
Method :
- Mix all vegetables with seasoning mixture. Toss well and serve.
Note : I coarsely grated all vegetable as i'm lazy to cut (julienne) the vegetables.... heheheheh
Kerabu Ulam
Kerabu - selalunya bila sebut kerabu, kita pasti teringat nasi kerabu. Kerabu ulam adalah kerabu ynag tidak semestinya dimakan dengan nasi kerabu, tetapi sedap dimakan dengan nasi putih. Di KL ni agak susah untuk mendapatkan daun ulam-ulaman seperti ulam raja, pucuk gajus dan pucuk asam keping, melainkan di pasar2 basah (itu pun kalau ada) atau kat Jalan Raja Alang (chow kit - kat sini apa pun ada).
Kerabu ni, makin banyak daun ulam-ulaman yang digunakan lagi sedap. tetapi ini je yang saya ada.. so jadi la kerabu ulam yang tak banyak ulam.... Walau bagaimana pun boleh ditambah apa saja ulam-ulaman yang dirasakan bersesuaian. Tambah pulak kalau orang kelantan, di"pairing"kan dengan budu... wah!!! terus terbuka selera sampaikan mentua lalu dibelakang pun tak perasan.
Bahan-bahan :
- 4 - 5 jalur kacang panjang - dipotong bulat
- 3 helai kobis bulat }
- 10 tangkai daun kesum - ambil daun }
- 10 tangkai daun serai kayu }
- 5 tangkai daun selom } Di mayang
- 5 tangkai ulam raja }
- 1/2 kuntum bunga kantan }
- 10 helai pucuk gajus }
- 1/2 biji timun - buang biji dan potong dadu
- 6 ulas bawang merah - ditumbuk lumat
- 3 batang serai - dimayang dan ditumbuk
- 2 cm halia - ditumbuk
- 3 sudu makan kerisik
- 3 sudu makan santan
- 1/2 cawan kelapa parut ( jika suka)
- 2 - 3 ekor ikan kembong - bakar dan diambil isinya - ditumbuk
- 5 - 10 tangkai cili padi ( kurangkan jika tidak suka pedas) - dipotong
- 1 sudu makan gula
- 2 biji limau nipis - diambil jus
- garam secukup rasa
Cara - cara :
- Masukkan bawang merah, serai, kerisik, halia, santan, kelapa parut, isi ikan, cili padi, gula, jus limau nipis dan garam kedalam mangkuk esar dan gaul rata.
- Masukkan kesemua ulam dan gaul rata. Tambahkan garam dan jus limau nipis jika perlu.
Kuih Bakar (Miniture)
This fasting month is like a food galore month. U can get almost everything at bazar ramadhan everywhere. Sometimes u will see a new creation dessert or kuih. But i prefer traditional kuih like akok, apam, putu buluh, koleh kacang, kuih bakar and many more.

One day, i really tempting to have a kuih bakar, so i went to bazar ramadhan at Stadium Shah Alam. I got the kuih bakar that i want, but when i ate during breakfast, the taste really dissappointed me, so i decided to make my own kuih bakar. And this time i make in miniture size, easy to serve n to keep in fridge for tomorrow.
Ingredients :
- 2 cups of flour
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1 cup of pandan juice
- 2 1/4 santan ( 1 can santan 450ml)
- 2 tbsp melted butter
- 3 eggs
- 1/2 tsp salt
- sesame seeds
- green coloring if you like
Methods :
- Preheat oven at 200 C
- Put all ingredients except sesame seeds in a blender, blend until the batter mix well and smooth.
- Pour the batter into individual disposable pie cup.
- sprinkle with sesame seeds on top.
- Bake for 30 - 40 minutes or until the surface turn to brown.
- Let it cool before serve.

Gulai Ikan Tongkol (For Nasi Dagang)
Gulai ikan tongkol is the best pairing for nasi dagang because of the unique taste n the texture (cooked the fish a day ahead before make the gulai). Also can use chicken to who don't like ikan tongkol (ikan aye @ local tuna). I prefer Gulai ikan tongkol as the fish flesh already had their own taste not like the other fish curry. try it n u know the different...
Ingredients :
- 1 kg ikan tongkol - cut, wash and cook with 2 tsp salt, 1/2 ring of gula melaka and dried tamarind (asam keping). Best to cook a day ahead.
- 500 ml of thick santan - dilute with 200 ml water
- 1 1/2 inch of galangal
- 1 1/2 inch of fresh tumeric
- 10 dried chili (add more if u like hot)
- 2 tbsp coriander seeds - finely grind
- 3 tbsp kerisik
- 6 shallots
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 inch of ginger
- 1/3 tsp fenugreek
- 1 ring of gula melaka (use less if u don't like sweet)
- 2 - 3 slice dried tamarind (asam keping)
- salt to taste
- 1o pcs of fresh green chili
Method :
- Put galangal, tumeric, dried chili, shallots, garlic, ginger into a blender and blend until smooth.
- Heat santan in a pot over medium heat. Add in blend ingredients, ground coriander, kerisik, fenugreek, gula melaka, tamarind slice, bring to boil (let the gravy cook through 1st). stir to avoid santan curdle.
- Add in cooked ikan tongkol sliceand salt, and continue cooking (simmer) until the gravy slightly thick.
- Add in green chili, cook for another 5 minutes. Season with salt to taste.
- Serve hot with nasi dagang.
Nasi Dagang Kelantan
Normally Nasi Dagang is served on special occassion like hari raya and other special family gathering, when all the family members are looking forward to the tantalising aroma of this dish. For my family, we are normally have this dish when all family members back to "kampung" during holiday, and we loved the nasi dagang prepared by my mom.
When steamed, the valvety glutinous grains of 'beras nasi dagang' (brown spot rice harvested from fertile soils of kelantan) puff up with a purple tinge. Cooked in a alluring combination of coconut milk, fenugreek, ginger and shallot. This dish best served with 'Gulai ikan tongkol or Gulai ayam' and acar (pickled cucumber)
Ingredients :
- 1 kg nasi dagang rice - wash and soak for at least 3 hours, max 5 hours before cooking
- 1 cup of thick santan
- 2 cup of santan (santan cair)
- 1 inch of ginger -finely slice (julienne)
- 7 shallots - finely slice
- 2 cloves of garlic - finely slice
- 1 1/2 tsp fenugreek - soak in water about 10 minutes and drain
- 1 handful of coarse sea salt ( genggam rapat)
- Banana leaves for covering the rice
Method :
- Wash the rice and drain.
- In a bowl, add ginger, shallots fenugreek and salt. devide by two portion. Add 1 portion of this mixture into thick santan and another 1 portion into santan (santan cair).
- Heat water for steaming. once water is boiled, pu the rice in the steamer and steam until rice 1/2 cooked or when u can see steam out from the cover.
- Remove rice from the steamer and place in a basin.
- Add 2 cups of santan and stir to mix through. Make sure the rice is shiny in look. Add more warm water if needed. Place the rice back into steamer and steam further untill the rice fully cook ( when u see steam come out from the steamer again).
- switch off the heat and remove the rice from steamer to the basin.
- Add in thick santan mixture and mixwell.
- Cover the rice with banana leaves and allow to rest for a while before serving.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sagu Gula Melaka
This delicacy dessert i made for dinner last weekend... and another dessert , kuih akok kelantan bake using oven. for akok i will upload later coz buat masa ni i'm so bz... kluar pagi balik malam... and dah tired.... this dessert pun i curi masa pagi.... try my best to update resepi....
Anyway... this dessert can eat chill or warm.... but for me, i prefer chill.. especially pada ptg yang panas....
Ingredients :
2 cups of biji sagu (saiz kecil) (i guna 1 pack by at C4)
5 cups of water
1 cups of pandan extract (from grounded pandan leaves)
* or u can use 6 cups of water, add a few drops of green food coloring and few drops of pandan essence.
for gravy :
3 cups of coconut milk (santan pekat)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp of halba
1 tbsp of cornstarch (mix with 1 1/2 cups of water)
for gula melaka syrup :
4 rings of palm sugar (gula melaka, i use kampung gula melaka with thin ring , kelantan call nise)
3 pandan leaves
1 cup of water
Method :
for sagu :
Boil water over medium heat. Add in biji sagu, stirr until all water absorb by biji sagu. Keep stirring until u see the white part of biji sagu turn to half size by the original size. Then turn of the heat. pour sagu into individual dessert cup or in square baking pan or tupperware. let it cool.
* the white part at the centre of biji sagu will fully come to transparent by the time its cool... maybe u can see a very little white part, thats should be ok.
for santan gravy :
mix all ingredients in a small pot and bring to simmer over medium heat. keep stirring to have a smooth gravy without lumps. remove from heat when its slightly thick. set a side.
for gula melaka syrup :
Bring to boil palm sugar, water and pandan leaves until all the palm sugar dissolve. If u want this syrup slightly thick, just keep simmer for another few minutes and turn off the heat. let it cool.
To serve :
Put a small cut of sagu in a dessert bowl. pour santan gravy and add 1 tbsp of gula melaka syrup. add more syrup if u like sweet. Finish with few cube of ice, and serve
Anyway... this dessert can eat chill or warm.... but for me, i prefer chill.. especially pada ptg yang panas....
Ingredients :
2 cups of biji sagu (saiz kecil) (i guna 1 pack by at C4)
5 cups of water
1 cups of pandan extract (from grounded pandan leaves)
* or u can use 6 cups of water, add a few drops of green food coloring and few drops of pandan essence.
for gravy :
3 cups of coconut milk (santan pekat)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp of halba
1 tbsp of cornstarch (mix with 1 1/2 cups of water)
for gula melaka syrup :
4 rings of palm sugar (gula melaka, i use kampung gula melaka with thin ring , kelantan call nise)
3 pandan leaves
1 cup of water
Method :
for sagu :
Boil water over medium heat. Add in biji sagu, stirr until all water absorb by biji sagu. Keep stirring until u see the white part of biji sagu turn to half size by the original size. Then turn of the heat. pour sagu into individual dessert cup or in square baking pan or tupperware. let it cool.
* the white part at the centre of biji sagu will fully come to transparent by the time its cool... maybe u can see a very little white part, thats should be ok.
for santan gravy :
mix all ingredients in a small pot and bring to simmer over medium heat. keep stirring to have a smooth gravy without lumps. remove from heat when its slightly thick. set a side.
for gula melaka syrup :
Bring to boil palm sugar, water and pandan leaves until all the palm sugar dissolve. If u want this syrup slightly thick, just keep simmer for another few minutes and turn off the heat. let it cool.
To serve :
Put a small cut of sagu in a dessert bowl. pour santan gravy and add 1 tbsp of gula melaka syrup. add more syrup if u like sweet. Finish with few cube of ice, and serve
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Creamy Brocolli and squid
Tonight, i have to take care of my 5 years old nephew. Jadi baby sitter sekejap. He ask me for something to eat, but i just have chocolate in fridge. Hmmm..... i just cook something simple for him... and i pun makan jugak sikit, creamy brocolli n squid. he ate with rice, but i like to have it with pasta ( i had spiral). the pasta can be spiral, penne, elbow, ribbon, etc... but not spagetti. Here the recipe for my quick treats :
Ingredients :
serve 2
5 squids ( but i use badan je) - cut to rings
small bouquet of brocolli - cut to small pieces
2 cloves of garlic - crush
1/2 onion - slice
1/2 tbsp chicken stock powder
1/2 cup of cream (cooking cream or whipping cream)
freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 tbsp olive oil (or vegetable oil)
1 cup of spiral (or any short pasta) - boil until soft
1 cup of rice - cooked
Method :
Heat oil in a sauce pan, add garlic, fry until fragrant. Add in onion, fry until soft. Add chicken stock and cream. stir n mix.
Add brocolli, cook until a a bit soft. Add squid, stirr for few second , season with black pepper.
To serve : Mix with pasta in sauce pan, saute for 1 minute n serve. Or just serve with white rice.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Poached Pear With Gooseberry Coulis

Actually the poached pear is same with the previous recipe. this one serve with different sauce. when back home after meeting.. still have 1 more ready poached that i made b4... so i was thinking to have this again.... i saw some gooseberry from leftover Felix cookout in fridge... so... mula lah minda ni 'berkreatif' ngan idea2 yang kadang2 tu kurang masuk akal skit... but this one very easy to make.... i made sauce using gooseberry.... coulis.... also can made using strawberry, blueberry, redcurrant, mango or any fruit that iu like or u have on hand... and its goes well with pancake, or for dessert garnishing .... atau pun with ice cream... just pour coulis on top of a scoop of ice cream... already turn ur plain vanilla ice cream to a delicious dessert....
Gooseberry coulis :
10 ripe gooseberry
5 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp water ( if lebih pun tak apa coz we will reduce it by heating)
1 tsp cornstarch ( mix with a little water)
Method :
Bring water, sugar n gooseberry to simmer over medium heat... stir until all sugar dissolve.
Pour into a blender and blend.... no need to smooth...
pour back into the saucepan... bring to simmer. Add in cornstarch mixture... stir until thicken...
And serve...with poached pear... or pancake
10 ripe gooseberry
5 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp water ( if lebih pun tak apa coz we will reduce it by heating)
1 tsp cornstarch ( mix with a little water)
Method :
Bring water, sugar n gooseberry to simmer over medium heat... stir until all sugar dissolve.
Pour into a blender and blend.... no need to smooth...
pour back into the saucepan... bring to simmer. Add in cornstarch mixture... stir until thicken...
And serve...with poached pear... or pancake
Poached Pear in Spice Gula Melaka Syrup

I had this poached pear yesterday. After a really tiring day... Had meeting at Janda Baik early morning... n spend time time until lunch hour... tak sempat nak makan pun. And after rushing back to KL, got another meeting here at 4pm. I reach home about 2.30pm... n damm hungry... Selongkar peti sejuk.. tak de apa yang ready cook, just ada pear n epal.. hmm... thinking of what i'm going to do with this epal n pear... and decided to make poached pear... coz tak lama.. its just about 20 minutes... and sementara tunggu pear masak... i sempat la nak segarkan badan b4 go for the next meeting. So i poached the pear using whatever i have in hand... gula melaka n spice...
Ingredients :
2 pear (rip but firm) - peel, scored n half
3 cups of water
2 ring of palm sugar ( gula melaka yang nipis )
1 cinnamon stick
2 star anise
3 cloves
Method :
bring to boil water, palm sugar, cinnamon stick, star anise and clove. turn the heat down when all the palm sugar dissolve.
Add in pear and simmer for 15 - 20 minutes over medium-low heat. covered. make gula melaka syrup covered all pear.
Remove from heat n refrigerated. Keep heating the syrup until slightly thicken. remove from heat.
To serve : put half pear on plate... n pour the syrup on top. Best serve chill.
Ingredients :
2 pear (rip but firm) - peel, scored n half
3 cups of water
2 ring of palm sugar ( gula melaka yang nipis )
1 cinnamon stick
2 star anise
3 cloves
Method :
bring to boil water, palm sugar, cinnamon stick, star anise and clove. turn the heat down when all the palm sugar dissolve.
Add in pear and simmer for 15 - 20 minutes over medium-low heat. covered. make gula melaka syrup covered all pear.
Remove from heat n refrigerated. Keep heating the syrup until slightly thicken. remove from heat.
To serve : put half pear on plate... n pour the syrup on top. Best serve chill.
Cinnamon Poached Pear Cake
Poached pear again... Yesterday is all about poached pear... malas nak masak... and i found its fun cook this dessert... even i ate this for dinner... hehhehe... Asalnya i just poached pear in sugar n cinnamon je.... then suddenly i teringat i pernah tgk poached pear cake... but tak ingat kat mana or in web... but i never it this b4.
So sementara tunggu pear masak... i brows cari2 resepi for this... i found few... but semua pakai almond flour.... i don't have almond flour on hand. Look at the Ingredients... and method... its like a simple vanilla cake batter... but using almond flour... And i try to make it simple... not using the recipe i read at internet... but i some ingredients measurement as a guidline.... combine the method of making a cake n souffle...
Well.. finally its turn out so good... unexpected with soft, creamy cake... very light and airy... n its just nice with the poached pear..... Here the recipe.... hehehehe.... cuba sekali pasti nak 2 kali...

Ingredients :
make about 4 serving
For Poached Pears
make about 4 serving
For Poached Pears
- 4 pears - peel n scored (i tak scored pun... kekekeke)
- 1 cup of sugar
- 2 cinnamon stick
- 4 cloves
- 3 star anise
- 4 cups of water
For cake filling
- 3/4 cup superfine sugar
- 4 tbsp butter - room temperature
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 3/4 cup cooking cream or whipping cream
- 2 eggs - separated egg yolks and egg whites
- 1 1/4 cup flour - sifted
- 2 tsp baking powder
Method :
Poached Pear :
Place the pears, sugar, spices and water in a pot. cover and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, or until pear just tender. Remove from the liquid n let it cool.
Cakes :
Preheat oven at 170 C. Mix sugar, butter, vanilla, cream, egg yolks and flour in a large bowl. Beat this mixture until smooth.
In another bowl, beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Gently fold the egg whites into the batter and fold until combine. Do not over mix.
Spoon the batter into ramekins until 1/2 full. top with a poached pear and press down until the pear touches the bottom.
Bake for 30 minutes or until the cake batter firm up and turn to golden brown color. Remove from oven and let rest for few minutes b4 serving.
To serve : Dust cinnamon powder on top and serve hot.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Chocolate Eclairs
Just back from redang island... a wonderful holiday with all my good friends. n we still can have this chocolate eclairs there... One of my friends really want this... so i made the pastry shoes in advance... bake n keep in sealing bag. Also make the chocolate melt in advance... coz i know its hard to double boil chocolate there using mini portable camping stove. I made the custard there... bring all the ingredients for custard from here coz as i know no kedai runcit kat sana.
After tired of swimming and snorkeling... we had this as our dessert after dinner meal provided by chalet managment.

its fun having cold chocolate ecliars there. Here is the real recipe.... bukan for travelers resepi... hehehhe
Ingredients :
For puff pastry :
- 1 cup of flour
- 1 cup of water
- 1/2 cup of butter - dice
- 4 eggs
- 1 tbsp sugar
- pinch of salt
For custard filling :
- 1 1/2 cups of milk (fresh milk)
- 2 tbsp unsalted butter
- 2 tbsp full cornstarch
- 5 tbsp sugar - if don't like sweet, reduce to 4 tbsp
- 1 egg
- 2 egg yolk
- pinch of salt
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
For melt chocolate :
- 1 cup semi sweet chocolate
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1 cup of semisweet chocolate
- 1/2 cup of heavy cream
- 1 tbsp light corn syrup (optional)
Method :
Preheat oven at 180 C

Bring to boil water, salt, sugar and butter over medium heat.

Add in flour. Stir to combine. keep stirring until the dough will start come together. turn the heat down to low.

As you continue stirring, you should be able to easily form a ball out of the dough. Continue stirring for few more minutes.

Put the dough into a bowl and beat with mixer on low speed. let the dough cools down. when u don't see any steam and the bottom of the bowl just feels slightly warm, then proceed to the next step.

Add in eggs one at a time. mixwell before add another egg. increase the mixer speed as the dough will get thicker and harder to mix. scrape the sides of the bowl n mix well again.

the dough will be like this.

put the dough into a disposable piping bag. (any plastic bag also can as long as can stand with pressure). cut off the tip - about 1 cm.
place a parchment paper on a baking sheet. squirt small amount about 3 inchs long (logs) and the width about the finger size. space them apart. wet your finger and smooth out the logs as best as u can.
bake in preheat oven for 18 - 25 minutes or until the eclairs shells turn to golden brown.
place the baked eclairs shell on wire rack n let it cool.
For Custard Filling:
Beat egg and egg yolks and cornstarch until smooth. put aside.
Pour milk in a pot and heat over medium heat. Add in sugar and salt. stir until all sugar dissolve.Low the heat. once the milk come up to slow simmer, slowly pour 1/4 of milk into the egg/constarch mix while vigorously whisking to avoid scrambling the eggs.
Pour back the mixture from the bowl into pot, over medium-low heat. Keep whisking for 5-8 minutes non-stop.
its will thicken up and boil. when it looks as though it is pulling away from the pot, turn off the heat.
Add in butter and vanilla extract. mix well (sieve before adding butter and vanilla if u wish to get smoother texture of custard)
refrigerated for 2 hours .
For Melt Chocolate:
Double boil the chocolate until melt. add the rest ingredients and mix until all combine.
To Assemble :

Pipe in custard into pastry shell. and dip half into chocolate melt.

And now you can enjoy it or chill for a while before eating.....
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